Project Documentation

QuiltMaker  -  Design

The design for the application is to utilize a wizard style approach.

The application display is split into 2 parts. The upper 2/3 of the application screen is dedicated to providing information to the user as well as house the area where the art "assembly" process is carried out as the wizard progresses through the various steps. The lower 1/3 of the screen is utilized for application control. The primary application control is an image based selection caroucel that allows the user to scroll left and right through the available artwork image thums. Left/Right icon controls are also used when the user need to click right/left to continue.

Since ordering requires different style input the application switches display modes upon reaching order placement. Standard window label and text controls are utilized to gather customer information such as address, phone, and payment details required in order to fulfill the order.

The application is intended to be a web application. All non static application data is downloaded off of the web. In order to download this critical operating data the application utilizes a background thread to do all downloading operations. This ensures that the UI thread is not heald up and keeps the app from hanging the Blackberry UI.