Welcome 2023!
Indoor weather returns.
Winter is back and with that its a good time to work on indoor projects. This year we've moved on to additive manufacturing via 3D printer.

I have been involved with 3d printing for 10 years now, abit on the sidelines as a buyer. But I have yet to "take the plunge". Wait long enough and things change. Well, I received a very generious Christmas present this year - and things changed. So its batten down the hatches. All hands on deck. And time to get down and dirty.
3D Printing Cement Car 2023
Model Railroading POC Project
S scale model railroading is hard. Its an off scale, and there are much less commericially available products than other more commercialized scales such as HO. As a POC we have decided to take a HO scale 1:87 cement car. Scale it up. And attempt to print and assemble it in 1:64th scale.

After dwelling on the platform decision for over a year, SRS has chosen to use arduino as the platform of choice. Well suited for low power consumption, the platform is a better fit for robotics and other projects we have planned.
After 3 months of POC work I'm well pleased with the choice of arduino. And am proud to announce the completion of the newest project - Big Trak 2022. As time allows I'm looking forward to trying my hand at additional applications around the home.
Internet Of Things Big Trak 2022
IOT POC Project
The year was 1979. The cool toy on the block was Big Trak. A programmable tank capable of repeating a simple list of up to 16 commands. Now its 2022. We need something bigger. Better. Enter project Big Trak 2022.